We know Emerging Companies

Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs) allow investors to invest directly in a number of listed equities and other securities while also enjoying of the many benefits that a managed fund can offer.

Sold via a Product Disclosure Statement they operate within a Managed Investment Scheme however, they are not a pooled investment meaning that each investor owns the underlying assets directly. This gives investors greater flexibility and added transparency of investing directly while still enjoying the expertise, removed stress and convenience that is generally associated with a managed fund. 

For Wealth Advisers, this means that you can take reassurance in the fact you are recommending an investment product backed by experience. Everyday administrative and compliance tasks are taken care of and investment decisions are made by an experienced and knowledgeable investment manager. 

Our Separately Managed Accounts (SMA) have been tailored by advisers, for advisers and their clients. Through this offering you can gain access to a range of outcome focused portfolios with varying risk profiles. Coupled with stream lined administrative support that will allow advisers to more efficiently and effectively manage their client’s wealth. RM Tailored Investments currently has three SMA offerings;

Designed for individual investors and wealth management advisers alike, each of the varied portfolios through exposure to a range of asset classes, can provide long-term capital growth and income with capital stability, using a non-index weighted investment process. 

The RM portfolios have been created and are actively managed by Aro Asset Management, a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR 1269883) RM Corporate Finance (AFSL 315235). 

Key Benefits

RM Capital aims to foster a strong, performance-orientated yet risk mitigating culture where professionalism, teamwork.



Expertise & Convenience

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